f10at 프로모션 비디오
EnglishGD 301 UX 디자인
애플워치 OS 앱 디자인
5 주 프로젝트
어도비 일러스트레이터, 애프터 이팩트, XD
애플워치 OS 앱 디자인
5 주 프로젝트
어도비 일러스트레이터, 애프터 이팩트, XD
디자인에 대하여
f10at is a WatchOS app design that is designed to assess sadness and a breathing exercise to cope with such emotions on a daily basis.
The water element came in as a strong brand identity in the start of the project and influenced the copy as well.
“Are you sinking or are you floating?” 5 levels of sadness and 5 levels of happiness for 10 levels of emotional range to provide diversity of the person’s daily emotional state.
To address the sinking, a bobber bobbing along in the water to help the breathing when you are sinking.
An app animatic was also created to further promote the app with a story boarding progress.

When thinking of a mood tracker for an Apple Watch, it was easy to think of my own emotions.
Deciding to track only happiness and sadness was an early personal decision as happiness was such a rare occurrence in a sea of sadness in my daily life.
There was a focus on addressing the daily monotony of sadness and the little bursts of happiness, words relating to water to reflect the branding as well.

3주간의 감정변화

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